Giovanna Spantigati

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Videos > Animals

This is a page which, like a fairy tale, tells us about animals. My animals and the animals I see in the environment; images captured, stories of life, funny moments and education for all of us. The behavior of animals has its codes.

29 January 2011, first snow of the season. Locke is having great fun!

Polpetta is a long haired, disabled chihuahua who arrived at home on november 2010, she was about 4 years old. One year later the little cat Betty Boop, two months old, arrived too. They play like... cat and dog? Yes, but a cat and dog who don't see differenes...

Locke, coccolone, un anno e mezzo, è un cane di pura mista razza, molto attento quando gioca, ma anche molto "Prima Donna"!

My dogs.
Peggy was born on November 2, 1997. She is an old labrador who has become deaf. Locke, notwithstanding his name, doesn't know much about philosophy, he was born on December 30, 2009.

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