Giovanna Spantigati

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Welcome to my personal web site. I introduce you to my world, my dreams, my experiences and my projects.

We never stop learning and my thirst for knowledge is my driving force. When we find out there are people similar to us we feel the need to share in order to evolve.

The Web is an enormous opportunity to get in real time all the information and updating around the world.

I take this chance to make my dream come true:
To embrace the world with respect, love, humility and to give a smile, always.

I think of a rainbow embracing sky and earth.

The rainbow is the smile that life is giving us as a gift.


At this site cannot be applied art. 5 of Italian Law No. February 8, 1948 number.47, since the updating of the information contained in it does not have regular publications (art. 1, paragraph 3, Law No. 62 March 7, 2001). It is an amateur product and not a newspaper; the published contents are intended to stimulate reflection and further deepening, criticism and freedom of expression of thought, in the terms and means permitted by the italian law in force. All material published on the Internet is of public domain. However, if someone recognizes his/her own copyrighted material and does not want it to be published on this site, he/she only needs to give notice and it will be immediately deleted.

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