Giovanna Spantigati

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Who I Am

I was born in Turin, October 13, 1960.
Since I was a young girl, I've always felt the need to help weak people. This is still one of my priorities. Ivrea, Novara, Asti, Alessandria, Venezia, Milano, Pinerolo, Torino and now I live near Torino. I travelled first to study languages and then for pleasure to the USA, to France, England and Ireland. In the USA, above all, I had a wonderful time in a college for three months where I had the opportunity to know girls and boys from all over the world. This experience has been very important to me.

This made me want to know, understand people from different cultures. Even now, I am curious and eager to know different cultures. I graduated in languages at high-school, then I went to the university to study oriental languages in Venice, first, and then literature and languages in Turin. I began to take care of elder people in a retirement house and this experience had a deep impact on me. It was the beginning of a long story. I changed many jobs, always looking for my path, knowing and learning different worlds and situations. Employee, interpreter, editing and manager secretary, these were only some of my jobs. My children were born in 1991 and 1992, and this taught me devotion, sacrifice, hope, but, above all, wholehearted love. I devoted myself to my family and to a loving puppy. I started cultivating my passion for reading.
I studied Italian Sign Languages and I became interpreter, and I took a course in Multiple Intelligences at Harvard University on the web and I got a certificate of attendance. I became journalist and my main interest is disability. In the meanwhile I took more animals to live with us. I worked in a press agency in Turin with an association which dealt with disabled people and I worked on a television program which dealt with social problems. A new change in life and I worked in a dog pension. In this place I feel a strong appeal to nature.

I started to understand where my life was taking me to. A huge rainbow which embraces earth and sky, which takes me to the creation dawn and to an ancestral culture which lives in respect of nature. We are oneness with nature, with the living creatures and when we learn to respect nature, animals, ourselves and other human beings we will be able to live in harmony with ourselves, free to love.

I have many projects and still a long way to go.

Welcome to my walk of life.

In our life we meet people who, whether conscious or not, can teach us a lot.
Respect (thank you mom and dad!), self-irony (special, great aunt Paola!), compassion (Ciao Don Gianni Cossai), trust in my skills (Francesco Zuzic), the courage to say what I think (Francesca Meneghel, where have you gone to?), love which goes beyond words (9 dogs and 9 cats), acceptation (Yahya Adada).

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