Giovanna Spantigati

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Educational strategies

Educational Strategies

Since my children were young, I have been looking for educational strategies on web and on books, and followed courses and meetings. At first my aim was to help my disable son with all the tools for knowledge I could find. I read about neurosciences, psychology and didactics to understand how brain works, what is behind the elaboration of thought, where thinking comes from, the basis of learning and the strategies to strengthen brain connections. Later, I realized that the right stimulation - together with the respect of every single person and the acceptance of every difference - is essential for every human being, Therefore a person must not be considered for being disabled, but for being a "person".

I hope what I am sharing with you can be of help, but it is important to remember that each of us has to look for his own way, following his instinct and his needs.

The way to knowledge is the way to light and joyfulness

Conctact mi if you wish to know more about it.

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