Giovanna Spantigati

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Nature and Animals

Earth, water, air, fire are the elements of nature.

Man lives surrounded by nature, but nowadays he seems to have forgotten the importance of the natural system which supports him, consisting of connections with man, animal and nature itself.

Asphalt and concrete don't let us see what the world gives us. We think that nature and animals are at our service.
This wrong perspective not only makes us blind, but also presumptuous, selfish and therefore poor both materially (planets' resources shouldn't be exploited till exhaustion) and humanly.

What we can do is to stop and learn what nature and animals want to communicate to us. Listen to the silence, listen to the sound of the natural world, learn to watch plants, which we often view just as an embellishment for our home and nothing more.

We can wise up to a wonderful world which is watching us and looking after us, giving life, food, love to us.

We expect a lot from our animals and they spend their life trying not to disappoint us. But animals communicate one with another and they communicate with us. And it is through knowledge and interaction with animals that we can relate to them and live together with the surrounding world, with the human beings and mainly with ourselves, through a path of consciousness and responsibility, all together for a common wellness.

A golden key to open the door of wonderful world called Life.

Scientists and researchers ask the Aboriginals for help to study climate changes.

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