Giovanna Spantigati

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Reccomended reading

Books are my great joy. I keep them jealously and I rarely read lent books. A book becomes part of me. Here are only some of the books which left a mark and which contributed to my personal growth. Here are the books with their English titles, where possible. Others have titles in their original language.

A Fortune-Teller Told Me: Earth-bound Travels in the Far East - Tiziano Terzani
My place - Sally Morgan
The art of dreaming - Carlos Castaneda
The prophet - Kahlil Gibran
Don't accept me as I am - Reuver Feuerstein
In their own way - Thomas Armstrong
A leg to stand on - Oliver Sacks
The man who mistook his wife for a hat - Oliver Sacks
An anthropologist on Mars - Oliver Sacks
Seeing voices -A journey into the world of deaf - Oliver Sacks
Mind sculpture - Ian H. Robertson
Frames of mind - Howard Gardner
Le cri de la mouette - Emmanuelle Laborit
Animals in translation - Temple Grandin
Destructive emotions - Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman
Conditioned reflexes - Pavlov
The undefended Self: Living the Pathwork - Susan Thesenga
Vom Schlechten des guten oder hekates losungen - Paul Watzlawick
Awakening - Anthony De Mello
Creating affluence - Deepak Chopra
Autobioraphy of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
Next of Kin - Roger Fouts
Evolution and modification of behavior - Konrad Lorenz

Italian books:

La fine č il mio inizio Tiziano Terzani Longanesi
Itinerari nel sacro - Massimo Raveri - Cafoscarina
La speranza indiana - Federico Rampini - Mondadori
L'arte di imparare - Alberto Oliverio - Rizzoli
Il tuo corpo ti parla - Laura Bertelč - Baldini & Castoldi
Se anche avessi - Laura Bertelč - Baldini & Castoldi
Nati due volte - Giuseppe Pontiggia - Mondadori
Handicappato e carogna - David Anzalone - Mondadori
Gocce della mia vita - Thomas Sanson
Un uomo ha vinto - Antonio Guidi
La fisica dell'anima - Fabio Marchesi -Tecniche nuove
La luce che cura - Fabio Marchesi - Tecniche nuove
Amati! - Fabio Marchesi - Piemme
Il settimo senso - Nader Butto - Mediterranee
La futura scienza di Giordano Bruno - Giuliana Conforto - Macro ed.
La bellezza - Stefano Zecchi - Bollati Boringhieri
Genitori grandi maestri di felicitā - Giovanni Bollea - Feltrinelli
Le madri hanno sempre ragione - Giovanni Bollea - Feltrinelli
Da zero a tre anni - Piero Angela - Garzanti

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