Giovanna Spantigati

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Anthony de Mello

Special People

Anthony De Mello was born in Mumbay on 4 September 1931. He was a Jesuit Priest, psychotherapist and travelled to many countries like Spain and the USA. He wrote several books on spirituality and he took his inspiration from the Christian and oriental religions. He established a prayer center in India, called "Sadhana". He died suddenly on 2 June 1987.
He was a charismatic person and he shared his thought through articles, books, meetings and videos. His speech was very simple, clear and humoristic.

Tony De Mello quotes:

"You are only a disciple because your eyes are closed. The day you open them you will see there is nothing you can learn from me or anyone." "What then is a Master for?" "To make you see the uselessness of having one."

Once upon a time there were two monks who had lived together for 40 years and never had a squabble. Not even once. One day, one monk said to the other: "Don't you think it's about time we had a squabble, even if it's just once?" "Sure," replied the other monk. "Let's get started right away. About what shall we squabble?" "About this piece of bread perhaps?" the first monk offered. "Ok, let's have a squabble over this bread. How are we going to go about this?" Asked the other again. "This bread is mine, and mine alone," said the first monk. "Oh yeah? Well you can keep it," said the second monk.

Said a disappointed visitor, 'Why has my stay here yielded no fruit?'
'Could it be because you lacked the courage to shake the tree?' said the Master benignly.

The book I've read: Awakening.

There are many videos about Anthony de Mello. Here you will find some of them with the English transcription.

Awareness - 1 - Spirituality means "waking up"

Awareness - 2 - Will I be of help to you in this retreat?

Awareness - 3, 4 - On the proper kind of selfishness. - On wanting happiness.

Awareness - 5 - Are we talking about psychology in this spirituality course?

Awareness - 6, 7 - Neither renounciation is the solution. - Listen and unlearn.

Awareness - 8 a - The masquerade of charity.

Awareness - 8 b- The masquerade of charity b.

Awareness - 9 - What's on your mind?

Awareness - 10 - Good, bad or lucky.

Awareness - 11 - Our illusions about others.

Awareness - 12 - Self-observation.

Awareness - 13 a - Awareness without evaluating everything.

Awareness- 13 b - Awareness without evaluating everything b.

Awareness - 14 - The illusion of rewards.

Awareness - 15 - Finding yourself.

Awareness - 26 - The way the world is.

Awareness - 27 - Are you sleepwalking?

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