Giovanna Spantigati

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Survey to assess intelligences

Educational Strategies


These statements describe me

You will see by yourselves which are the intelligences you use most.

1) I enjoy singing and listening to music. I can tell when a person is singing or playing a musical instrument off key. I find it easy to sing along to a song after hearing it just a couple of times. When I am home or in the car, I usually have music playing. I sound great when I'm singing in the shower. I know how to play a musical instrument, or 'd like to learn how to play one. I have a large collection of CDs or tapes. When I'm driving in a car or working, I find myself humming, singing or tapping my fingers to the beat. I enjoyed taking music classes in school. I was in my school band or chorus. I feel I could have been a musician if I had put my mind to it. I think I would enjoy a career that involves music. I can't imagine my life without music.

2) I enjoy at least one of these activities: sports, dance, handicrafts, walking, running or exercise. I think of myself as being well-coordinated. I like working with my hands. I enjoy activities like needlework or woodworking where I can make something, and I do a good job. I belonged to sports teams when I was in school. I was in plays when I was in school. Time permitting, I would consider joining a local theater group. I can pick up new dance steps easily. I'm a "hands-on" learner. I learn best by practicing a new skill rather than by reading a manual or watching a video. I'd rather do physical work than sit at a desk for long periods of time. I like being on the go. I find physical activity inspiring. I often come up with creative ideas while doing something physical i would prefer a career that allowed me to be active.

3) I enjoy reading. I am comfortable speaking in front of others. I frequently write notes and checklists for myself. I enjoy poetry, storytelling or reading aloud. I have at least one favorite author. I own a library card. I subscribe to a newspaper or magazine. I prefer learning something new by reading written directions. I like to write letters to family members and friends. When I hear a new word, I'm curious to find out what it means. I enjoy playing word games like Scrabble or Password. In school, I did better in English and social studies than I did in math and science. when I am reading an article or book that has a lot of pictures, I tend to concentrate more on the words rather than the illustrations. When I want to learn something new, I will read up on the subject first. I'd like to have a career that involves writing.

4) I enjoy working with numbers. I enjoyed taking math and science classes in school. I'm good at problem solving and reasoning. I like to set up step-by-step methods to finish a project or meet a goal. I like to organize things in a logical way. I enjoy balancing my checkbook. I find it easy to remember phone numbers. I can rally make a good case to back up my opinions when I am arguing with someone. I play chess or other games that require logical strategy. I read mysteries and try to figure out the ending myself. I love to work on crossword puzzles. I have a computer that I use frequently, or I am interested in getting a computer. I'd like to find a job that involves working with numbers or in science.

5) I enjoy drawing, photography, model making, or other arts or crafts. I am good at reading maps and have a better than average sense of direction. I pay attention to colors and am good at matching things. I'm a detail-oriented person. When I am asked to explain something, I will draw a sketch. I think in pictures. When I'm talking on the phone or listening to others, I catch myself doodling. I can fix and assemble things easily. I can look at something and see how it works. Rather than follow written directions, I'd rather learn by looking at an example of what has to be done. I often remember dreams vividly. I prefer reading material that has a lot of illustrations that go along with the text. I enjoyed taking art classes in school. I think I'd like a career where I could make or design things.

6) I'm a "people person." It's easy for me to make new friends. I am good at helping friends and family members through difficult times. I prefer team games and sports. I am good at teaching other people things that I enjoy doing. I find it easy to read another person's mood. I'm open to another person's point of view. When I have a problem, i seek out others for advice. I like to get involved with organizing social activities connected to my work, school, religious group or community. I'd enjoy a career where I could work in close contact with others.

7) I like to think about my life, what I have done, what I'm doing now, and what I'd like to do in the future. I set goals for myself. I usually make the right choices for myself. I feel like I could write a self-help book. I enjoy keeping a personal journal. When I have to make a big decision, I tend to trust my own judgment. I am the type of person who is likely to state my opinion even if others around me disagree. When I am in a bad mood, I know what caused it and how to get myself out of it. I'd rather have a job where I can be my own boss or make a lot of my own decisions.

8) I feel at home in the out of doors. I'm aware of changes in the weather and sometimes sense them before they happen. I can recognize different kinds of birds when they come to the bird feeder. I enjoy pets, as well as other kinds of animals. I have a knack for nurturing and growing things. I enjoy working in the garden. I could show you some constellations in the night sky. I often take comfort in the environment and nature. I enjoy finding patterns, relationships and connections in nature. I like to sort and classify objects. When I was a child, I enjoyed collecting things like stamps or insects or stickers. In fact, I still like to collect things. I think I would prefer a job where I could work with nature.

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