Giovanna Spantigati

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The right to live

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When a fetus comes to light and is alive, it must be kept alive even when parents do not agree, says the NBC.
On February 29, 1008, the National Bioethics Committee has approved the action on premature babies.
This was announced by the Vice President D'Avack who indicated that intensive care is obligatory regardless the time of gestation.
Therefore NBC does not fix temporal limits for intensive care. I agree.

It is life, and it must be defended no matter what happens.
You never know in advance what will happen in the future.
You do not know if medicine will be able to save a child, because it depends on too many factors. Every human being has a different instinct of survival and different reactivity. But this does not mean you shouldn't try to save his life.

I have seen tiny children being saved, but I have also seen children attached to machines all life long, and consequently overwrought families; I have seen lives suddenly and dramatically changing, and I have seen unexpected miracles.
One cannot deny the right to life of every small creature, whatever may happen in the future. We should learn to be fatalistic, accepting what life gives us.

Life is not buying what we like or finding easy opportunities in a kind of attractive supermarket.
It's the joy when something is unexpected, it is the rainbow through the rain, the music of the dark, the caress in loneliness. Life is to learn to see through our senses, with our heart. And when we wrongly think that life means we can choose, we become unhappy.
Life is joy, but if you deny pain, it becomes unmanageable. This is not rhetoric, it is the value of life. I also think that any simple action during a day can be a source of serenity, joy and thanksgiving. The beauty of simple things. Marvelous banality.

Giovanna Spantigati

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